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Practizma Journal
16 weeks of
Empowerment, Efficiency &Joy
for Practicing Musicians
Yes, you should be inspired and yes, you should feel joy as a practicing musician. Certainly not every single minute, but in large measure. And it's possible - by focusing on the process of practice in a different way.
Proven Strategies for getting more out of your practice sessions and feeling good about the musical journey is what the Practizma Journal​ is all about: deliberate and joyful practice. I’m talking about the type of practice that leads both to the quickest progress and the most positive journey for musicians - what I call discovery practice.
The book is a guided sequence. Every week includes four elements. Click on the elements to see sample pages.
Concrete goal setting page - can be used in the lesson setting as well
Journal pages to track your practice
The journal is a culmination of a decade of journaling with my own students. Every semester I came up with new prompts, sent PDF's to the local printer, and dove in with the whole studio. Over the years, I discovered what was concepts were the most powerful and that's how the published Practizma Journal came to be.
Hungry for more? Check out workshops, practice tips, stagefright tips, the youtube videos, and articles and reviews.
also available at the following retailers:
New York Flute Center Potter Violins Performers Music Chicago
Gailes Violin Shop Virginia Harp Center Jan Hampton Violins RVA Kolstein Music New York
Interlochen Scholarshop Espresso Music Remenyi Music Canada
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